Sleevematic 795 M: Basics, maintenance, adjusting work

항목 번호: L05

파트너: KRONES AG - Academy

안전 재고 부품

요청 시 가격 공개


Product description





  • Overview of the machine functions
  • Label and container path
  • Operating the machine and the touch-screen
  • Pneumatic system and electrical components
  • Explanation of the most important parameters
  • Mechanical adjustments: machine infeed, mandrel, cutting ring, feed and transfer rollers
  • Quality of labels and containers
  • Lubrication and maintenance

Course objective:

This course will familiarise you with the different assemblies of the Sleevematic and its functions. After only two days you will be able to set all important machine and product parameters. In order to acquire a safe and efficient production routine, you will also learn how to do all mechanical adjustments – from the infeed to the discharge of the machine.

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